How to observe your NGINX Controller with Prometheus
The NGINX Ingress controller provides a bridge between Kubernetes services and external ones. Let’s look at how to observe this communication with the help of Prometheus.
Observing the communication between your application hosted on Kubernetes and external services makes it possible to see any performance issues and how to solve them.
A good practice for well-performing communication is using an Ingress controller like NGINX, but if something goes wrong with it, it’s hard to fix any issues if you haven’t observability set up for it.
This blog post is part of a series on observing the NGINX controller, composed of 3 parts, each with its article and YouTube video.
In this article, we will focus on how to observe the NGINX Controller with Prometheus, starting first with explaining what NGINX is and what type of metrics you can collect from it. After the theoretical part, we will jump into the tutorial using Prometheus. (If you’d like to jump to the tutorial, here’s the link to the YouTube video: Is your NGINX Controller observable - part 1 with Prometheus)
There are several ways to expose services/applications from your cluster in Kubernetes:
Creating a K8s service with the type “LoadBalancer”, which will allocate an external IP address to your service. If you create several LoadBalancers, you'll create several public IPs. This can have a big impact on the cost of your cluster.
Using a service mesh, for example, istio comes with an ingress gateway and new Kubernetes CRD: Gateway and VirtualSerivces. The service mesh will be able to route the traffic to your service using the rules defined for your gateways and virtual services.
Using the Kubernetes Ingress Controller, which will receive the incoming traffic and route it to the right service.
Kubernetes provides the interface of the ingress gateway but not the implementation. If you want to use it, you have to use an already existing one:
NGINX ingress controller
HAProxy ingress controller
Kong Gateway
The ingress controller is the main component in charge of receiving external traffic, and it has a specific structure in Kubernetes. Here is an example of an ingress deployment file:
kind: Ingress
name: Hello-Ingress
ingressClassName: nginx
- host "mydomain"
- pathType: ImplementationSpecific
name: service1
number: 80
- pathType: ImplementationSpecific
name: service1
number: 80
The ingress interface will specify the routing rules to handle traffic of our application:
Let’s say we have http://mydomain/app1 and http/mydomain/app2, and we want to route them to the right service. You will need to create 2 backend rules to be able to route the path app1 to our service 1 and the path2 to service 2.
The interface is just the description of the rules - you'll need an implementation to make the routing happen. The ingress controller will evaluate the defined rule and manage the redirections within our cluster.
Because our ingress controller will be the entry point of our cluster, we probably want to get a proper level of observability.
Recently, the ingress controller has introduced several CRD (custom resource definitions) to enhance the configuration of our ingress. I.e., the VirtualServer and VirtualRoute that will allow us to create traffic split, routing, and more; and Policies to configure the authorized IP source.
# What type of metrics can you collect from an ingress controller?
To measure the health of our ingress controller, we want to report metrics that will help us understand:
1. System Metrics
Average CPU usage of the controller
Average Memory: AVG of the system.mem.used metric
2. Application Metrics
The number of bytes exchanged, the time to the first byte, the number of requests split by HTTP code, request time, client response time, upstream, downstream, and more.
But what is even more important is to collect the correct dimensions to be able to filter and split the data. Metrics are fine but remember our ingress will serve various paths, services, and applications. It would be essential for us to report the number of requests coming in a given service
Let's look at the various options to collect the desired data.
NGINX comes with a status page that reports basic metrics about NGINX called the stub status. This HTTP endpoint exposes metrics like the following:
Active connections
Handled connections
With the help of the status page, NGINX provides a Prometheus exporter that will help us collect those indicators. Here’s the link to the exporter: nginxinc/nginx-prometheus-exporter.
Let’s now look at the Prometheus exporter in more detail.
Some metrics will require you to enable Prometheus data, otherwise, they won’t be exposed. To do this, you will have to modify the configuration of your NGINX controller by adding the following to the deployment:
-enable-prometheus-metrics = true
You'll need to ensure that the port exposing the path: /metrics is available and reachable (by default, port 9113). You can customize the port by adding to the deployment:
-prometheus-metrics-listen-port = XXXX
You will be able to retrieve the same level of details provided by the status page and get information related to the workerqueue and the last reload.
Some metrics, like the latency, will require you to enable an extra module :
-enable-latency-metrics = true
When deploying the NGINX controller to your cluster, you can install it with a Helm chart that will allow you to automatically enable a few settings like exposing the Prometheus exporter, enabling latency, and so on.
The NGINX controller will be deployed through a statefulset and all the settings of Nginx will be done with the help of environment variables and a configmap, replacing the nginx.conf.
From that config file, you'll be able to adjust your logging format.
The documentation of the NGINX controller explains that there is a process for the diagnosis.
It explains to look first at the metrics the Prometheus exporter exposed to the basic level of understanding: level 0. Then you'll quickly need to look at the logs produced by the NGINX controller to get a deeper understanding of what’s happening. It means that logs are a great source of information for observability.
Now that we know logs are a suitable data source to observe our ingress controller, let’s see how we can take advantage of logs to increase the level of observability in the second part.